Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spider is a monkey (an entry that has nothing to do with spiders or monkeys, just cats)

I recently acquired a new kitten who, thanks to my 6 year old niece, ended up with the moniker Spider-Monkey ToeChomper (for her habits of climbing everything, swinging around and, of course, chewing any exposed toes she can get her little teeth on). I'm sure it helped that she bears a passing resemblance to a spider monkey:

Or perhaps that's just me? We tend to just call her Spider (did you know that, like felines, tarantulas have retractable claws?) and it suits her somehow.

At any rate, my Spider Monkey lives up to her name (as does her big "sister" Betty who we named after a land-mine when we acquired her because of her habit of going off unexpectedly). She has recently discovered her favorite place to be: on top of any door she can get at.

She also likes helping me blog:

and designing jewelry:

Actually, basically any time I'm busy, she wants to be the center of attention:

Betty's much less interested in being the center of attention, so most of my pics of her are either from a distance or while she's giving me the "Why are you pointing that thing at me?" look

Or else the "You just gave me a bath, woman!!!" look

Betty just seemed miffed. Spider looked more like she was contemplating an appropriately painful punishment for me:

When she's not being adorable, she can appear quite evil

Okay. I think that's enough pictures of my lovely ladies for now. I have lots more on my hard drive and in my camera, but this'll take long enough to load as it is. Maybe I'll post more soon. And the girls do temporarily have a foster brother who I haven't posted pics of yet. Hmm, sister of mine was right: it's not hard coming up with stuff to talk about here :)


  1. They looked a bit peeved about the baths! They are adorable little things either way!

  2. Yeah, pretty sure Spider was plotting a painful and undignified ordeal (likely involving a bath and skin-so-soft) for me.

    Gee, "ordeal involving a bath and skin-so-soft" sounded so much less kinky in my head...

  3. LMAO! That's great! Post more on your blog!
