Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year

I know most people prefer the summer, spring, and winter, but I am all about the autumn (or maybe only when it's happening since I'm quite fond of the other seasons as well). But it's like the world is snuggling down into bed for the night (winter) and covering itself with a big honking blanket of leaves. I'm more of a fleece person, but whatever works for Ma Nature.It's funny how you forget between one autumn and the next how gorgeous it really is when the leaves change.

(pictures by me)

It's not just the colors that make me love fall, either. I was taking out the garbage last night before I went to bed around 11pm and I was struck by how different it is at night during the fall. Everything is going dormant and you can sense that in the stillness all around but, at the same time, every breath of air carries a dozen smells and sounds. There's something almost alive about the way the night sounds in the autumn with the leaves slithering over each other and sound carrying for miles and miles. This time of year, you can even hear the trains go through Akron from here. And, since they moved the pound a couple months ago, I can only assume those aren't domestic dogs I'm hearing howling in the PM. Brother-in-law says the coyotes are getting fairly bold this year, getting near their house and everything. Which is a shame since I kind of love moonlit strolls through wild areas but I'm too sensible to do it where there may be potentially dangerous wild animals. Still, I can enjoy the night weather almost as much from my own living room, so won't complain too much :)

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