Wednesday, October 13, 2010

foundling kitty

I wanted to put up pictures of Henry (the kitten abandoned on my sister's farm) awhile ago but other things kept coming up. I don't see how anyone could abandon a kitty so cute and sweet, but that's neither here nor there. I love the little guy and am more than happy to keep him here until we find him a nice human or family to live with. He's really brought out Spider's maternal side which is kind of precious to watch (when they aren't both in my lap wrestling because they are strong but small). He's growing so fast, though. He can't be much more than 2 months old since he had his milk teeth when my sister found him. As a frame of reference, Spider who is in some of the pics with him is 8 months.

Okay, on to the adorable pics :) Some are on the blurry side because they were taken with my computer's camera

That would be me in the picture with him. Typing one-handed slows me down some but, like all males, Henry likes laps and chests ;) I have learned to adapt...

This is Henry in my lap with Spider, who no longer lets him sit there alone if she can help it. She has no interest in my lap unless Henry's already there.
Once she's there with him, she spends ages grooming him, which turns him into an even bigger purr-box than usual.
(I did not realize that this blog was going to include photos of my lap. Sorry about that. But, as you can see by the grin, Henry luuuuuuurves being groomed by his surrogate mama.)

And here is a curious young man wondering what that flashing red light on the computer is:
(blurry or not, I love this image)

Spider and Henry spend a LOT of time together. Including full-contact Xtreme Tag at 3 in the morning every morning, lol. But she also teaches him more traditional kitty passtimes like eagerly watching birdies and critters and looking at humans like they're idiots.

Granted, Spider's a pretty small lady, so here's a picture of regular-sized Betty on top of my Mahjong set and one of Henry on it for comparison.

So he's definitely not all growed up yet, but he is definitely a big boy *pets him*

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